Spring is just around the corner! We’re all looking forward to warmer weather and getting back outside again; unfortunately so are the parasites that live among us. For those of you who don’t give parasite preventatives year-round, now is the time to think about your pet’s parasite prevention plan. Here at Lincolndale Veterinary Center, we want to ensure your furry friend stays healthy and pest-free all season long.

Spring brings with it a significant increase in flea, tick, and mosquito populations. As temperatures rise, these parasites get busy, seeking new hosts to feed on. This puts your pet at risk of:

  • Flea infestations: These tiny, jumping insects cause intense itching, skin irritation, and allergic reactions. They can also transmit tapeworms, making prevention essential. If you are seeing live fleas, remember that this is only the tip of the iceberg in terms of the actual number of fleas in your home, car, etc. 
  • Tick bites: These blood-sucking creatures can transmit a range of diseases, including Lyme disease, ehrlichiosis, and anaplasmosis. We want to prevent transmission of disease and detect disease transmission early whenever possible.
  • Heartworm infection: Carried by infected mosquitoes, heartworms are parasites that can cause potentially fatal disease. They reside in the heart and lungs, causing severe respiratory distress and organ damage. Did you know that cats can get heartworm disease, too? Unfortunately there is no treatment for heartworm disease in cats, so prevention really is the best cure.

Parasite prevention is not a one-and-done treatment. It’s a long-term care plan to keep your pet safe in all seasons.

Here’s why consistent prevention is vital:

  • Early intervention is key: Preventing infestations is far easier and more cost-effective than treating established ones.
  • Protection against year-round threats: Ticks in particular are tough and can even be active in wintertime unless we have snow cover and sustained temps of 35 or colder. Once temperatures start to rise they waste no time getting back into high gear. That’s why prevention is a year-round effort. Think you’ll be able to spot a nymph or larval stage tick in your dog’s fur (much less on yourself)? Fuggedaboutit! They’re tiny: the size of a poppy seed or a grain of sand.
  • Peace of mind: Knowing your pet is protected allows you to enjoy outdoor adventures together worry-free.

We recommend scheduling a spring check-up with us. This visit allows for:

  • A comprehensive health assessment: This ensures your pet is healthy enough to receive parasite prevention medication.
  • Tailored recommendations: Based on your pet’s individual needs and lifestyle, your veterinarian can recommend the most effective prevention method that fits your budget, whether it be oral medication, topical applications, injections or collars.
  • Discussion of potential risks: Certain factors, like pre-existing medical conditions or age, may require specific considerations when choosing prevention methods.

Together, We Can Keep Your Pet Safe!

Spring is a time for renewal and fresh starts. By prioritizing consistent parasite prevention, you can ensure your pet enjoys the season safely and comfortably. Remember, an ounce of prevention is truly worth a pound of cure!

Contact Lincolndale Veterinary Center today to schedule your pet’s spring check-up and discuss the most suitable parasite prevention plan.